Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Why we're here...

It occurred to me in a conversation I was recently having with an old acquaintance that I always liked writing, and was always decent enough at it. I have my other blog, but it has largely become predominantly devoted to sports discussion (hey, one thing I always liked more than writing was sports!) and shameless plugs for my band.

From time to time I like to flex the other muscles of my writing, and this little blog will be devoted to such endeavors. Hence, the birth of One Trick Pony, a nod to the fact that my current blog has become such.

I anticipate not updating this blog as often as my other, but the plan is to post things I'm working on in the hopes that doing so will cause me to write more. Most of what I write could best be described as 'short fiction beginnings' that are ideas I have or scenarios that may never come to any resolution, or that I haven't spent enough time with to really have let the characters decide where they want to go.

So, hey... if you're feeling ambitious, take anything here and run with it. Collaborative writing can be fun!

Let the games begin...

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